Kings Acai Australia is a fully certified and established company providing wholesale premium organic Acai to customers around the world.
Our Acai is certified internationally to FSSC22000 and certified fully Organic for ALL ingredients and throughout every aspect of production (100%). We believe it is important to stand behind our label and live up to our claims.
We pride ourselves on organised logistics and manage our supply chain to ensure that our clients receive regular, reliable service. We are flexible to the needs of all of our customers – from large multinational distributors to small corner cafes, we are proud to offer the same high standard of customer service to all of our happy partners.
Organic Acai puree grows in popularity every day! Kings Acai Australia is excited to offer the most premium Acai direct from the Brazilian Amazon. As Brazilians, we know Acai better than anyone – and we only supply the best.
We are excited to introduce our Acai to you to experience the difference. You will be impressed with its rich flavour, vibrant colour and smooth texture. Give us a call and embrace the Acai life! 😊
Ola amigos, my name is Erika. I am a Brazilian native living in Melbourne and I would like to tell you how I got involved with Acai in Australia.
When I became pregnant in 2018, one of my wishes was to eat ACAI. So, I went to the local supermarket and bought an Acai sachet, the only Acai I could find. I went home and had to read the instructions how to use it because it was my first time even holding an Acai sachet (not kidding! Maybe because I have been living overseas for about 12 years and never saw a sachet in Brazil before).
With anticipation, I blended it up and WOW…I hated it!! It had so much water, had a strange consistency and I didn’t like the flavour at all (sorry for those that like sachets, everyone is different!). I went to sleep frustrated because I could not have it ‘posted’ from Brazil, obviously!!
But…then, after a few days I saw a light at the end of the tunnel. I found the Acai puree in Australia. I didn’t hesitate for a second and ordered a tub. Now that was the WOW…WOW…WOOOW…that I was expecting! I am on the other side of the world eating the same Acai puree that I would find in any supermarket in Brazil!
Frequently, Kings Acai Australia receives private messages asking where our product can be found in Melbourne/Victoria and OMG…you guys should see my smile. IT IS BIG!!
It means that my Aussie mates are falling in love with the concept of having Acai straight from the tub. ‘SCOOP’ |SPRINKLE | SERVE, can it be any easier or more delicious than that?
I am forever grateful to my mother for teaching me how to be a persistent person and never give up in life, so here I am. I planted the seed and with good faith, it is growing, it is blooming!
Thank you – Gracias to all my family and friends that are taking this ride with me.
Let’s embrace Healthy Purple Living!!
Gracias Amigos! Erika Antico Sanchez
We work with our trusted Brazilian producers to deliver the best to you.
Grown up with Acai culture, lived the Acai experience.
We have overseas business and consulting experience.
We know what it takes to get Acai from the source to you.